4 Reasons Why Shrinkhala Khatiwada should Become Prime Minister of Nepal

Miller Shrestha
5 min readAug 5, 2020

As we all laugh at the atrocious jokes made by our dearly beloved Prime Minister, I kept wondering who would be more appropriate to replace him as our next great leader. In all honesty, every other real candidate seemed like a worse option. Each of them have had their turns eating out our country from within and each of them have publicly and shamelessly never admitted to their failures. So, I did what I do best. I dwelled in my imagination, thinking of supposedly good candidates who could lead our country to its best course and make it a place worth living (much like how Kulman made NEA a profitable company, one the country’s citizens could be proud of and rely on). Here are four reasons why the former pageant winner, Shrinkhala Khatiwada, in my view, should be our next prime minister:

1. She is an architect

Although Shrinkhala gained popularity by winning Miss Nepal and representing our country in Miss World, beauty and charisma are only few of her strongest qualities. A graduate of IOE (Institute of Engineering), she has already shown her architectural talents by collaborating to build health posts in rural areas of Nepal and mini green parks around several areas of the capital, Kathmandu. Surely, she would have a more precise and better planned vision for our country than most of our current ministers, who I doubt have been passed SEE (previously SLC). With an architect in position of relevant power, we surely wouldn’t have to wait decades to see infrastructural projects become reality and surely wouldn’t have to wait a year to see a small road section get black topped (example: Bagbazar, Putalisadak, I could go on and on).

To see her contribution to making small parks in the valley, use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msE8VyxvyYw

To see her work on building a health post (that won her the title of Beauty with a Purpose title at the Miss World event), use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpRtnZYCWWo

2. She has strong opinions and can accurately articulate them

Few years back during my graduation program, me and my batch mates all sat dumb founded when the then prime minister of Nepal (won’t name him here) gave a mind numbingly dull speech that half the audience couldn’t understand. We sat there in the scorching heat, listening to a seventy year old man blabber like a newly born child, hardly making any sense with any of his words. This is the same case with most of our past prime ministers who absolutely suck at stating convincing arguments. Even when we can understand them, their inability to articulate their points to the masses is mind boggling. Even Trump, who is a complete moron, at least knows that the art of speech is a necessary skill in those who lead large groups of people and he uses this to his benefit by loudly yelling lies to people who want to hear them. Shrinkhala is widely known for her Instagram (and Facebook) live sessions where she talks about bulging topics and gives sensible views on how we could individually or as a country handle them. Considering how young she is, its remarkable how well she speaks her mind and how up to date she is on topics that most people her age wouldn’t have a clue about.

3. She is young (and admired by many)

This point cannot be stressed enough. She is young and we need someone young in office. In fact we need everyone in government offices to be young or at least not so old that they have to keep flying abroad for surgeries twice a year. There’s a reason that most government office employees retire after sixty (in some cases earlier) but its weird how in politics, we tolerate these old granduncles to decide the fate of our poor country. A young leader would be up to date with today’s technology and the modern expectations of today’s generation. A young leader would possibly understand the need for strong legal reforms in repeatedly mishandled cases of acid attack and rape, and would not dismiss or stay silent about them as if they were ancient rituals of the country. Also, Shrinkhala is one of the few celebrities who is not admired only for her beauty and her dressing sense. She is widely known and loved for her strong personality and her publicly shared opinions on various individual and national matters. As her social media followers would surely agree, she is a public figure who is not shy of admitting her past failures and is a person who believes in improvement and effort.

4. She is a woman

The current pandemic has shown that women are more than capable of running a country and perhaps even better than men. The current Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and the current Prime Minister of New Zealand (the first country to claim zero new Covid-19 since the global outbreak) is Jacinda Ardern. Along with these two strong, decisive women, several other women in power have lead their countries to battle Covid-19 with such force and precision that the world is truly considering if men are really fit for their jobs as rulers of the world anymore. Shrinkhala also belongs to a strong breed of women, more so at least than the kind of women who ride around in helicopters unnecessarily and walk on carpets worth millions of dollars just because they can.

In all honesty, this article is not about Shrinkhala Khatiwada. This is about all of us and our wish to see this country emerging from the depths of our viciously corrupt political systems. For once we want to observe and see what it would be like to be led by a strong charismatic leader (whether male or female). How many years can we tolerate of laughing at the most powerful man in power, making a mockery of all of our hopes and dreams? How long must we wait until our children and brothers and sisters find this to be a suitable country to stay back for and not fly away leaving us behind? It is my deepest wish to see people of influence and character stand up and say that they wish to take the lead. It doesn’t have to be a former Miss Nepal. It can be a strong business leader. It can be young entrepreneur. It can be a qualified, respected academic. But it has to be someone who wishes to make change. Someone who truly cares for this poor small country.

